Ave! How I miss this old diary! It's been a whole month of prayer, reflection and resignation. No books or electronic devices, no crazy wasteland adventures. Just praying, reflecting on the nature of existence, learning about the word of god. My heart feels much lighter now. I'm not happy, nor sad, I feel a calm, warm glow whenever I remember the world we live in. I know there's something else out there for us. The Order of Christ is here to rebuild this shattered land, to heal the sad and the wounded. I don't know If I believe all that, but It certainly feels great to have a purpose, for once... I start my day with a hot bath in the shower rooms, alongside all the other males. Then It's time for fasting and prayer for at least 2hrs ours. We have a bowl of stew and simple wine for breakfast and then we get to the daily activities. Thought this would be a monastery of sorts, all praying and no action, but we're actually getting advanced military training for when we face outside situations. I'm assigned to a "procurement specialist posse". We scout the ruins for the daily domestic needs of our Quartermaster Lamarok. We're in a mission to fix the old elevator. Esther is feeling good to, we're kind of distant in this part of our initiation, but the high priestesses guarantees we'll be together again. She's a Sopher, as in "Sophia", meaning "keepers of knowledge". Women are mostly relegated to work as acient scribes to the order, or at most, mechanic work. All the scouting and combat is made by mean. That doesn't mean women aren't allowed to have adventures... Sometimes Sophers accompany scout teams outside in field trips. Well, my freetime is over, got a long day ahead of me...

"Man-At-Arms Philip J. Fry ready to serve our lord, I gues..."

"A morning prayer, before the day starts..."

"Morning stew and wine with all brothers and sisters..."

"Sophers and something between an old world nun and a scientist..."