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Jan 26, 2021
St. George's Scout Team Log #1
Sgt-at-Arms Leon reporting! Hail Mary! Recon expedition started at 6000 hours, evening time, at the local Keres Enterprises building. We...

Jan 26, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (16)
Ave! How I miss this old diary! It's been a whole month of prayer, reflection and resignation. No books or electronic devices, no crazy...

Jan 26, 2021
Daily Notice #147 (OOC)
Archives from The Order of Christ "Some random christian psalm here" Daily Notice #147 Anno Domini, 2081. Ave, Maria! The baptism...

Jan 25, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (15)
And the journey finally ends?! We arrived at downtown Portland at last. We've been fighting for our lives at every corner, surviving off...

Jan 25, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (14)
Quick survival update... My journey with Esther is back on the rails. We ditched civilization and dived into the wild. Found this jackpot...

Jan 25, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (13)
Never thought a spiritual journey across this frozen, dead world would actually change my life, but It seems like insanity is just a word...

Jan 25, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (12)
Time for a change of pace. Me and Esther decided to stay here and help Wrench for a while. The journey north to the old RobCo Tower isn't...

Jan 20, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (11)
Adventure is in my blood, I gotta admit. We thought the Portland PD was going to be an easy task. Just break and enter, no killing...

Jan 20, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (10)
Cold, foggy morning in The Frontier. We started our journey very early to be out of sight of scav looter parties. Esther still don't want...

Jan 18, 2021
Philip Fry's Diary (9)
Well, guess I'll take back what I said about the old world. At least here we know we screwed up. The amount of untold horror back then...
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