Do you believe in sin?! Well.. I might have commited one of the worst sins possible. Arthur was pissed off today and asked me to talk. He ranted for almost an hour about women, and how 'they're like cats' that 'don't care about who takes care of them", that "only follow their own lust". It seems his girl, Crystal was cheating on him. Worse than this, the guy is one of his employees, Rick. They've been spotted by scavengers getting to a private place together in the outskirts of town. Arthur was emphatic: He wanted revenge, that's all. Asked me If I wanted to get rich. If I believed in real love (?!) Well, a job is a job, and she's a traitor, so...

Tracked them down to a farmhouse outside Goose Hollow. The place was completely empty. Searched for almost 2 hours until I found out about a secret basement. Dynamite always does the job right, me and Jackson bursted in. The firefight was quick. Surprinsingly, both were armed and fought back. I'm a hardened bandit, no match for bonnie and clyde. Layed down their bodies to rest and found a holotape... That's when the whole thing changed. It seems they weren't lovers at all. He was actually trying to help her escape. Arthur was a terrible husband, treated her like his property, even beat her from time to time. I can't believe I just killed two innocents! Haven't done this since my dark days as a Fiend. I'm so ashamed of myself!

"She just wanted to break free..."

"I'm staying the night here. Contemplating what I just did..."