So the journey starts... Woke up early in the morning. Gear is ready, we got bullets, antibiotics, Iodine, Food, Antifreeze.. Everything we need to trek across the cold winter. Esther seems happier than ever, she's even much more tender than before. Our hired gun is on the vanguard, scanning for any threats. Gotta say, she's really good in what she does, even If she never engages in small talk with us. We're on our way to the Breach Outreach radio outpost. Wrench has some business there and It's the safest route to the Order of Christ. We set up our first campground. We'll be staying here a while, exploring around, gathering supplies and making sure there are no threats nearby. Wrench explained that 'slow and steady' is the way we always travel... I have experience from the Mojave, so I know this is true... Our camp is in this schoolhouse called 'Linconl Elementary'. There's all kinds of books and toys, and from what I can read here, people in the old world seemed so happy! Gotta remember what that ghoul said back at Carter Company's about the old world; "Civil liberties were trampled on, we worked every hour of every day, and through It all, there was always the fear of nuclear war..."

We spent the afternoon cleaning and setting the place up. At evening time, Esther found a bar nearby called "The Filthy Nightingale". Damn, this girl seems to attract beer and sex everywhere she goes... How can she claim to be a catholic?! From what I've read about them, they were one of the most strict, hierarchical religions of the old world! We set off to drink the night out at another weird backwater cesspool. Almost got laid too, but Esther talked me out of It saying It was very dangerous; "we don't know what these people are up to". Wrench took me aside on the way back to the camp and finally spoke something out; "You gotta take care of this girl, she really likes you, don't screw up!". Man! Women are so confusing...

. Women are so confusing...

"The Filthy Nightingale..."