Well, guess I'll take back what I said about the old world. At least here we know we screwed up. The amount of untold horror back then was unbelievable! Visted the ruins of the Federal 'Survival' Shelter today. The place housed lots of radiation sickness patients, most branded as 'beyond saving' by the authorities, left alone there to fend for themselves.. Oh the cruelty of the organized oligarchy that governed our ancestors! The sad scene of a decomposing skeleton, body bags forgotten at dark corners, and the strange feeling that something was 'hunting' us, silently...

The girls were holding up much better than me. Wrench made sure to scan every room for threats, the place was deserted, and Esther quickly realized the rad clouds might be some form of bacteria colony... How does she have knowledge that kind of knowledge?! Always been told religious people avoid science entirely! We searched the place thoroughly and finally found out. Turns out 'they' were really airborne bacteria, born from the ghoulification proccess, a unique phenomenon I've never seen anywhere else! Sadly the scientist found out too lately. We even managed to protect ourselves with a simple recipe of microbiocide that Esther cooked-up.

We managed to get out of that nightmare alive, we solved the mystery! Of course we went straight to the Filthy Nightingale to celebrate, although Esther wasn't really in the mood to 'celebrate' our victory together. I was about to get drunk and laid with the cheapest pussy on the house when Wrench took me aside again and had a long talk, about everything. She told me about her past as a slave and was surprised when I reveald I was in the 'same boat' when It comes to abuse and mistreatment. She even gave me some strong advice on Esther; "You gotta believe in your journey. She believes in you and yet you keep screwing up with hookers instead of focusing the change you so want..."

Man, women can be the strangest, yet the wisest beings around... Tried to talk to Esther late night. She was at the bar alone, said she needed some time for helself. Cool, I gotta sleep anyway, we got a long journey ahead tomorrow...
