'Dear diary', It's been a while! Days are passing quickly and I've been busy trying to set my life on the tracks. Been working for Arthur, doing odd jobs here and there, taking care of unruly customers. You know, basic grunt work. Can't complain... I have good food, shelter and pussy whenever I want. There's something fishy about the place, but I keep It to myself most of the time. Went 'grocery shopping' for Arthur today. Some scavs were settled at a store nearby, mounted in caps and booze, trying to cut us off business. Well, let's say It was just quick and painless. Goose Hollow's an NCR town, but the hand of the 'free market' still reigns free, so nobody would even dare investigating the scene...

Visited the Green Fairy to sell the extra booze. The place is quite nice. Bunch of card cheaters, fresh new pussy, and this Abisinthe drink that I might stay away from. Haven't been doing hard chems since I've left the Mojave. My past life is behind me, I'm a new person now! Took a stroll around town in the evening. Visited the clinic, the Apothecary and the famous "Witch of Goose Hollow".. She's from tribal heritage just like me. Learned a lot about tribal 'alchemy' with her. Apache heritage was much more about cattle herding than her Moonhands tribe healing. Wonder If there's really this powerful tribal magic that binds we all together as 'special beings' like my father used to say. Well, at least I feel closer to home when I talk to her.

Green Fairy's owner is a nice chad.

Basha, the owner of the Apothecary.
Esther visited me yesterday night. We drank the night away, talked about so many things and... slept together again. Still don't know what's going on between us, she comes and goes whenever she feels like It. Reminds me a lot of my sister Marie and her free spirit. Would lie If I said I'm not into her, but maybe It's too soon to talk about It...

"Her visit is always something special, but I won't overstep my boundaries..."